L’Equipe, first French sport channel, 100 % sport, 100 % free, is one of our media partners. The 52′ official movie will be broadcast after the race. www.lequipe.fr/lachainelequipe
Trails Endurance magazine has over time become the n°1 sport nature, trail and raid media. Historical partner of Raid in France, Trails Endurance mag will be of course present in the field during RIF 2021. www.trails-endurance.com
Jean-Jacques Raynal
Official Photographer of Raid in France since 2009.
All pictures on this website are his property. No publication shall be permitted without his consent or that of the organizers of Raid in France.
Permission to publish must include the copyright: JJ Raynal / Raid in France.
HE Productions
HE Productions is an audiovisual production company based in Lyon. Since 2009, Jean-François Santoni and his team produce, for each Raid in France edition, the 52 minutes official movie. HE Productions loves beautiful images as beautiful stories and will be there again this year to share the 2021 adventure. A 5 people team, including 1 director and 3 cameramen, is rallied.