
50 teams will be able to get enrolled for Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS) – Raid in France, taking place from the 29 of June to July 6, 2024, in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Registration file

General conditions of entry

1. Registrations will open on January the 13, 2024 at 12h00 PM

20 spots will be reserved for the French teams (First arrived, first served basis)

25 spots will be reserved for the international teams (First arrived, first served basis)

5 spots will be reserved for the organization (if all the remaining spots (30 + 15) are assigned, the organization is free to allocate the “x” last spots).

2.Waiting list
When the 30 French team’s spots and/or the 15 international team’s spots are allocated, any additional team will be registered on the waiting list. For their applications to be valid, teams must make the full payment. If the race reaches its limit of participants, the payment will be totally refunded.

3. “Organization” spots selection criteria
The organization will fill the “x” remaining spots by selecting “x” teams from the waiting list according to the organization’s own criteria including media coverage, international team, team spirit aligned with Raid in France values.

4. Registration will be closed on May the 12, 2024 at 12h00 PM.

Entry fee

The entry fee for Raid in France 2024 is 2,700€ per team.

– Teams registered, before the 31st of January 2024, will be only charge of 2,500€ for Raid in France 2024.

– Teams registered from February the 1st 2024, will have to pay a fee of 2,700€.

The non-compliance to the conditions of registration fees payment modifies the amount of these fees.

Specific conditions for clubs registering several teams: 10% on the registration of the 2nd team and 15% on the registration of the 3rd team.

The fee includes:

– High-level adventure race organization
– Team logistical support (there is no necessary assistance for teams)
– Safety and medical assistance
– Specific equipment and material (kayaks for example, 2 gear boxes…)
– Fitting of specified areas (ropes, abseiling, via ferrata, ladders…)
– Online real-time tracking of the teams on the race website and the GPS positioning beacon
– The road book and race maps (waterproof – 1:50000 and 1:25000)
– A welcome gift
– Race official jersey shirt
– Race awards and prizes (based on allocations from our partners)
– Awards ceremony and post-race reception (dinner and entertainment).
No exhaustive list

 The fee doesn’t include:

– Journey to the race start and from the race finish.
– Accommodation and food service before and after the race.

Further information will be given on various options negotiated by the organization team, related to accommodation, food service, and transfers between Saint-Exupéry Lyon’s Airport (to be confirmed) and race start and race finish.

Registration conditions

The registration fee will have to be paid in a single time and before the deadlines, for the team to be able to benefit from the listed advantages. Only a bank transfer is accepted.

The confirmation of the bank transfer with the team name must be send by email to:

The registration is valid only after having pay the total amount of the registration fees.

The non-compliance of conditions of payment of registration fees modifies the amount of these fees.

Refund and cancellation 

Teams must cancel their entry at any stage prior the event by emailing the race organization: An acknowledgment of receipt will be send back, as soon as the organization gets the message.

– If a team cancels its registration before the 1st of April 2024 they will get a total refund (Except transfer fees).

– If a team cancel its registration between the 1st of April 2024 and the 12 of May , 500€ will be retain.

– If a team cancel its registration between the 13 of May 2024 and 29 of May, 60% of the total will be retain.

After the 29 of May 2024, no refund.

Teams are allowed to transfer their entry to another team.

If a team buys an enrollment to a team who paid only 2500€, the buying team must pay to the organization the additional envelope based on the 2,700€ standard fee (200€). This will be a transaction  between the teams. Raid in France must be notified as soon as possible by email:

If two teams decide to join together, this will be strictly considered as one team canceling their entry. The refund policy, stated above, will be applied to the last team enrolled.

If one of the members of the team fails the basic competency checks, the whole team will be disqualified and no refund will be given (exact details of competencies will be given on this website and in the competitor information packs).

If the race is cancelled due to acts of war, natural disasters, terrorism or other reasons (health crisis), the organizers will make every effort to refund as much as possible the entry fee to all teams…

Enrolment fees must be payed by Bank transfers (give the team name).

Data Bank transfers:
Sport & Nature ProMotion
Bank name: CIC lyonnaise de banque
Bank: 10096
Cash desk: 18167
Account number: 00047828201
Bank control key: 60
Registered address: CIC Tassin La Demi Lune
IBAN: FR76 1009 6181 6700 0478 2820 160

Send an email after having paid the entry fee to the following email address: (Attach a copy of the transfer)

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